Are you Intimate with yourself or just with your partner(s)?

When we don’t connect intimately with our self we leave our sexual energy in the hands of others or we disconnect from it and shut down. This can happen as a way to cope from certain life experiences and is valid until it starts hindering us— making it difficult to relax, to feel safe, to know and express our needs and desires. It may seem easier to be a ‘yes’ girl but it means sacrificing your deep knowing, your confidence, creativity and accessing your raw power that fuels your whole life.

Hi, I’m Michelle

My work draws on Somatic Movement, body awareness and integration. I teach women to learn to trust themselves by reconnecting to their bodies and feminine knowing. My own healing journey from eating disorders, sexual shutdown and insomnia has guided me to create this healing work.

My specialties:

Opening your Sacred Feminine Energy……….. Sexual Shutdown ………… Body Image Distortion …………. Fear of Being Seen ……….. Body Disconnection ……….. Pushing too Hard

Experience my Work:

Learn about Womb Power Dance ~~~~~~~~~~Learn about Yoni Moon Lodge ~~~~~~~~~Learn about One on One Sessions

Got Questions?

*What are your credentials?

>>> I did the private and group Dance Alive Teacher Training program for 3 years. I studied somatic coaching and leadership for 10 years.

*Are you taking new clients?

>>>Yes- you can work with me privately, in a small Yoni Steam workshop or in a weekly movement class. I also train people how to work somatically with their clients.

*I don’t want to work on embodiment, can I still get results?

>>> Perhaps with another coach or healer, but I believe healing starts with connecting to your body and emotions.


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