Hi, I’m Michelle :)

In 2016, I was Youtube surfing and landed on a bunch of  videos about V-steaming…

That’s right.  Vaginal steaming aka Yoni Steaming…

I was in a period of exploration of my feminine and sexual energy so I was intrigued and decided to slap-dash an impromptu v-steam set-up together.

It wasn’t comfortable but the steam did feel good.  And then afterwards I lay down and did a somatic ‘Sensation Tracking’ meditation to integrate the healing.

When I got up, I couldn’t believe how I felt.  

I felt at home, like never before.

My nervous system was re-arranged and I truly felt in my body, particularly in my vulva and womb like never before.   It was profound.

And that’s when I realized that I had been missing a very important piece.  I had been teaching women to be in their bodies (for the last 20 years) through somatic movement  and then to be in their bodies on video but never taught them to inhabit their Yoni~Womb Sacred Feminine Power because I wasn’t living in my own!

This has completely revolutionized my personal journey and my work.  I dove into Yoni Steaming and created my own guided Womb journeys and dove in.   I am committed to plumbing the depths of my womb and vulva.  There is a treasure trove of wisdom here. 

I have also teamed up with powerful womb wisdom pioneers and we are discovering incredible embodiment connections and re-writing history!

To get a taste of all of this immense creative explosion:

I created Womb Power — a weekly movement class that integrates a feminine archetype with the connection  between the womb and various parts of the body- to help women embody their Yoni Womb and unlock their womb wisdom.

I created the Yoni Moon Lodge– as a deeper dive into the womb through Yoni Steaming, Sensation Tracking Meditation and Movement.  It’s also a  chance to commune and gather in a small group of women and expand the field of womb wisdom together, while in the comfort of your own home.

The results are deeply nourishing.  One woman shared, “The Yoni Moon Lodge has changed my life!”

I am committed to helping women embody their Sacred Feminine Power so that they can be in their full power and radiate their true essence whether it’s on video, working with clients, in their relationships and beyond.  I hope you’ll join us in a Womb Power class or a Yoni Moon Lodge and get a taste of the depths of your womb wisdom.