Decoding My Mystical, Peak Sexual Experience

I had an accidental, mystical, peak sexual experience in 1992 in the jungle of Guatemala and have been hoping to have another ever since, but didn’t really know what it was or how to have it again.

I was traveling with 2 Argentinian women and we met a cute English guy in El Biotopo del Quetzal- a natural reserve for the national bird of Guatemala.

He traveled with us for a little while and then the two Argentinian women decided to part ways when I stayed in his room one night. That day he and I went on a long hike and didn’t take any water with us… He drank coca cola in plastic bags that were sold along the way and I chose to wait to drink water when we got back. It was a long walk through the jungle to a little river that we swam in.

By the time we were walking back, I was getting uncomfortably dehydrated and couldn’t talk or hold his hand. I had to put all of my focus on making it back in one piece.

When we got back I was so relieved to drink water and lie down on our bed of hay bales in our dirt floor, window-less room. Nothing on the walls. No electricity. Just hanging out naked on our opened, thin sleeping bags.

I was lying on my back and he was on his side, barely touching my pubic hair. It was exquisitely relaxing. No rush, no pressure. Just talking and chilling.

At one point I said to him, “All I can feel is my head. My whole body has merged with the universe!”

I didn’t know when it had started or when it ended. It was nothing I had ever experienced before. One moment I was lying on the hay bales and the next I could only feel my head — my body was diffuse and I was in a state of total bliss.

Eventually, I felt my body again but the transition was so subtle that I wasn’t aware when it occurred. I was in a lightly altered state for about 3 days. I remember we got on a bus the next day and I was enjoying all the bumps on the road, lightly aroused by all the jostling around.

Two months later when I was back in Los Angeles, I bought a book on Tantra but didn’t do much with it. I figured Tantra would have the answers but didn’t have the guts to study it in person.

My neighbor took me to a dance studio in Santa Monica and I began to ‘barefoot boogie,’ three times a week. This led me to a teacher who taught somatic movement and leadership, who I studied with intensely for 14 years. This gave me the foundation of being present in the body, which is the foundation of Tantra, but we weren’t studying Tantra.

It wasn’t until 2009, when I read Diana Richardson’s book, Tantric Orgasm for Women, that I learned that what I had experienced was in fact a bona fide Tantric Orgasm. She described my experience perfectly— no peak, no crash, more like a valley, no heat, on the ‘cool’ side, no clear beginning or ending, can last for hours or days, blissful….etc…

It was very gratifying to have my experience described and to understand a little bit more. But after reading all of her books, it seemed you needed a partner to practice, though there were a few solo practices. I did the breast meditation for a while, but didn’t get very far with it. And when I emailed her, she graciously responded but didn’t seem to think it was possible without penetration! Oy!

This shows me how elusive and not well understood these transcendent orgasms are!

Then in 2017 I started Yoni steaming and exploring different partnered sexual practices and my world expanded.

It wasn’t until a few years later that I learned that there were such a thing as cervical orgasms! WOW! After some research I realized that my “Tantric Orgasm” was actually an ‘energetic’ cervical orgasm! You can have cervical orgasms during penetration or without even being touched!

It blew my mind that I had never heard about cervical orgasms before. And I barely knew if G-spot orgasms really existed. Oy!

I started teaching Womb Power when the pandemic hit in May of 2020 and started to explore feeling sensation and energy in the Womb, Yoni and their connection to various parts of the body. It was a laboratory to practice and integrate all of my research into the esoteric and visceral sexual/spiritual circuitry of a woman’s body.

Some of my classes focused on the cervix. I was teaching women to feel their cervix with their attention. I also shared anatomical diagrams of the womb and cervix and how Cervical Orgasms are unique because the cervix has 3 pairs of nerves going into it. One of them is the Vagus Nerve, which is the reason for the altered, cosmic aspect of the orgasm. It also releases Oxytocin adding to that very blissful feeling.

Learning how the cervix and the womb have cosmic powers was thrilling and exciting.

My body started becoming more and more energetically attuned and through much research and study with sacred geometry and a few sex coaches I have come to realize that Womb Power builds the energetic skills to have cervical orgasms!

I am eternally grateful for that cervical initiation because I know what I am looking for in my next conscious cervical orgasm and I now know what it was and understand more how it might have occurred.

That extreme state of relief, relaxation, safety, trust, no pressure, no outside stimulation allowed me to surrender. I happen to be very energetically sensitive and the English man’s sensitive touch was perfect for me in that moment. My body was able to open and have this cosmic, sexual experience.

There was a lot of grace and I recognize it was a gift of the Goddess. Perhaps connecting me to my past life as a Tantric priestess.

What seemed impossible to re-create is now becoming more and more of a potential reality, 30 years later!

Womb Power ⚡️ helps de-armor by feeling on a sensation level, without having to go into story specifics. This helps release stored trauma and stuck emotions/energy which form armor in the womb, cervix, vagina, pelvic floor, heart etc…

Releasing the armor helps sensation and feeling to come back and re-awakens your feminine circuitry.

The Goddess and my Yoni/Womb have led me to create Womb Power ⚡️Movement and Meditation. And now I believe they have led me to train the participants to develop body skills for conscious cervical orgasms!

I have no doubt that I will be able to have cervical orgasms in the not so distant future.

When I begin to have them on the regular and fully crack the code on this elusive, spiritual-sexual experience, I will be teaching women how to have them. I simply can’t wait to do that, because I believe this is one of the most life transforming experiences we can have as women!

To learn more about Womb Power ⚡️Movement and Meditation Classes and claim your first free class, go here.

How about you? Share with us your thoughts about cervical orgasms.

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