Funny, inspiring story about facing fear of making a video

This past weekend, I was at Marisa Murgatroyd’s “Message 2 Money” Live event- which was totally awesome– and I thought I’d make a slap-dash interview style video in that positive energy field.

Especially since variety creates more engagement with your audience– so I do like to take advantage of being in a different environment with new people!  And doing videos with another person is fun and easier than talking alone while people are milling around you- right?

I met some incredible people and decided to make a video with this one woman from Canada, Tara LeDuc, who had a great story about making a video even though she was really terrified.

(I’m partial to Canadians as I am one, myself!)Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 9.42.51 PM

Tara is highly sensitive-preneur and an extrovert who was terrified of making videos.  (Yes, they do exist!) This is a an inspiring story about what is possible, even when you’re totally winging it!

These heroic video stories, I feel, need to be told!  They are hilarious and inspiring to those who are still getting the courage to make their first video!

Do watch the video!  Does Tara’s story inspire you?

This slap-dash interview-style video is a great way to collaborate and promote each other to each other’s tribe!

It’s a fun way to make a video and share a slice of your life, when you’re at a live event and buzzing in the high energy, meeting new awesome peeps!

Tara ( wants to create world peace!  How awesome is that???  Her story is hilarious and she tells you what she did to make a video- she has 2 great tips that are both hilarious and effective!

But you gotta watch the video to find out her technique to make the experience less stressful!!

And let her story inspire YOU to make a video- make it as less stressful as you can!  And find the fun if you can 🙂

Please share your hilarious video story if you have one!  How you overcame your terror around video, or anything else you are inspired to share about!  Humour (Canadian spelling!) is infectious! (And it’s my answer to World Peace!)

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