HSP video tip: Feel your Freakout!

I got some great comments on  my “Are you Highly Sensitive?” video on Facebook.

A lot of HSPs– Highly Sensitive-Preneurs– felt empowered to start making videos!
That was thrilling to hear!

They felt like it was a little less daunting, in fact, downright doable!! I’m delighted, because HSPs have got magical, new-paradigm messages that the world is waiting to hear.

I hope you are feeling inspired too!  So I made this video about it. (Above)

In this video, I share:

* Why Video is perfect for HSPs!

* How Video builds confidence

* How to feel Safe on Video

* How to deal with video freak out

* The difference between freaking out
and feeling the freak out

Check it out and let me know if you’re inspired to start sharing your sparkly magic on video!

Lets get HSPs un-invisible!  You have magic to share!

P.S. Are you willing to feel your freak out so you can make awesome videos that transmit your sparkly, magical message?

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