HSPs are thorough processors of info– how to articulate it all!

Did you know that 22% of the human population is Highly sensitive?  And there is an equal number of men and women who are HSP?  And it’s true in the animal world, too!! Is that wild??  And we gather a ton of non-verbal information from plants, trees, temperature, color etc…?!!  I love learning this stuff!  It’s fascinating!

So the good news is that us HSPs process information super thoroughly- we take in a ton of non verbal information and process it to make astute observations of our clients, guide them appropriately etc… That’s why our clients feel we get them so well and value our coaching so much!

We often channel and speak intuitively based on all of this non-verbal information we’ve internalized, so we also don’t always know how we know what we know.

And in some situations we get over stimulated and have a hard time knowing what we feel and then find it difficult to articulate. I find this in large groups- it’s hard for me to process it all. And sometimes I struggle to make videos or send emails when I’m integrating a lot of information.

Screen Shot 2016-04-08 at 11.07.29 AMOkay, real life example– I just participated at MinetteRiordan’s incredible Path to Profit Summit  last weekend and I led embodied movement each day and spoke to the group about Visibility and it took me several days to integrate all of that experience!

It was  A LOT!  Right?  I was super inspired to share with my tribe, but I was integrating a ton.  Hence, no video last week and I’m just squeaking in my video this week!

Does this resonate with you, ever?  It’s not always a slow process.  We do respond super quickly at times- we have hair trigger response systems!  Dr. Elaine Aron says “we can feel a fear response, adrenaline acting on our bodies, before we even know why.”  So we startle easily as a result!

So it’s OK to be sometimes, seemingly slow!! Our response will come through when it’s time! In this video, I share how being in your body can really help us process information and stay connected to ourselves rather than swimming in information in our heads, which really makes it hard to relate to others or know what to share about in our emails, marketing etc…

If you’re an HSP, can you relate? Please do share if this is helpful in the comments below! Share how YOU work process information? We can all learn from each other!! And do share this video if you know it might help another HSP or those who interact with HSPs!!

Lets spread the good news about HSPs so more HSPs know how amazing they are and keep sharing their important message!!

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