Can you make a video when you’re breaking up?

Okay so I’m not feeling so Visible these days. Haven’t made a video in several weeks and that last one I made, I muscled through to promote my Video workshop at Mystic Journey Bookstore. Which, though ‘petite’- only 5 people- was a really awesome workshop! Everyone made a video from start to finish! Everyone shifted one of their visibility stuck patterns! So yay!

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Deadlines are always an awesome way to get into action however…. they are somewhat artificial in terms of what’s happening inside. eg. I muscled through making the video, doesn’t mean I addressed the reason I wasn’t making videos. Right?

So it’s great I got into Visibility Action but it was a temporary get into Visibility Action and I fell right back into Visibility Inaction- or should I say- Visibility ‘Reduced’ Action -because I didn’t stop moving- entirely!  I have been handling the basics of my biz- I gave an awesome workshop, gave awesome sessions to my clients and I did a lot of physical fun stuff over the weekend: swam in the ocean, went dancing in a new venue, and I squeezed in a last-minute-before-the-sunset, hike!  Each time with a different friend- that’s right-not alone!  So I call all of that Visibility Action! Right?  Phew!  I feel so blessed to have great friends!!

So, there is Visibility Movement happening in my biz and my life.  Yay, moi!

Step #1 It is VERY important to look at where you are in your Visibility Action- not just fixate on where you aren’t–eg. I am not making videos.  This gives you the feeling that you’re not a total disaster!


I have also been on a rom com marathon, bingeing here and there,  and I am simply unwilling to do any networking and doing only minimal marketing.  i.e. NO expanding going on and NO visibility stretching, if you know what I mean.

Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 10.08.22 AMIt’s taking a little while to address the underlying cause for my “hang-out-inside -my-cozy-Turtle-shell” phase aka reduced visibility phase I’m going through. But because I have done Step #2: gone inward, per Turtle medicine– (Thank you to Sandy Dow, my shamanic performance coach)-I got some major downloads  from serendipitous sources!

And thanks to my Priestess Guidance coach, Kayoko Omori, I’ve done Step #3 and given myself permission to get cozy and enjoy all of the rom com-ing, bingeing, and resting –emotional processing is exhausting– and fully receive the deep feelings and transformation I am going through in the relationship department!

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And thanks to two friends, I have processed several times for the past few weeks and helped them process as well! Step #4: speak to VERY good friends who can listen and give neutral feedback!

Yes, I watched both Bridget Jones and
both Legally Blondes!!  Not all at once!
Bridget Jones is ‘Anxious’, fatally attracted to ‘Avoidant’ Hugh Grant – a classic mismatch as both are attachment-challenged in the relationship department.  She goes through a journey of the Dark Night of the Soul and finally chooses the ‘Secure’ Colin Firth which though not necessarily easy, will be ultimately a better match for her!  Read “Attached” if you want to learn more about these 3 attachment styles!  Super duper helpful!!

It hasn’t been easy and it has brought up a ton of emotion, going all the way back to Father issues- and made me evaluate all of my past relationships and the recurring patterns.  But it’s also been totally liberating and enlightening!

And as a result, I am feeling totally motivated to write this blog!  Now that’s a visibility stretch in my book!

So, acknowledge what you are doing well,get where you are really at, go inside,feel, rest, self-care, give yourself permission to indulge, and process with good friends!  It works!

All of this has relaxed my system and I don’t feel so shut down anymore.

So, in answer to the question in the title: “Can you make a video when you’re breaking up?”  Well…. I’m still pretty fried and I haven’t made the video yet, but I’m getting closer and instead, I’ve written this blog and I’m quite pleased!  But only because I really got honest with how I was feeling- eg. fried, emotional, upset about a relationship ending and took the necessary steps to take care of myself!

It is so important not to push and not to force yourself to make videos every week.  Though consistency is a virtue and really helps your business, we are not robots running on artificial schedules.  We are human beings and have cycles of ups and downs.  So, listen to yourself and honor your rhythm.  And get help and support when your’e going through the rough ‘reduced’ visibility stretches.

Cheering you on!

How does this resonate for you?  I’d love to hear in the comments below!!

Thank you!


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