Easy Facebook Visibility Step to Kick off 2015!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday!  I’m wondering how your 2015 has kicked off in the visibility department?  I’ve been easing into it slowly, myself.  December was visibility packed and so I enjoyed a low-profile holiday and beginning of 2015.

I decided I was doing “Enough!” and so I didn’t Push myself into visibility mode until I was good and ready.  And that is making me a lot happier!  Lets just say my ‘inner 4 year old’ is MUCH happier!  Cuz when she ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!

I need to rejuvenate at times, so I can really SHINE when I want to!  Do you resonate?  That’s what dolphins do, too!!

I’ve been looking at lots of underwater video footage of dolphins (courtesy my dolphin communicating colleague, Jennifer Gilchrist- Intuitive Coach) and they chill, rest, glide, snuggle with each other.

And when they want to take the spotlight, they have the energy resources to jump up and spin and say “HELLO!” in a VERY Big, Splashy Way!

 So, the way I decided to make a bit of a Splash in a Super Easy Way, was to change my Christmas, holiday Facebook profile photo:

From:  Cartoon/ Joke Mode——–>
(BONUS HOT MARKETING TIP: It’s a Screenshot from the BitStrips app!!  A great, playful resource for your marketing!!)

To:  Authentically Glamorous Headshot Mode!
— this is a photo that I have never used, possibly because it felt ‘too sexy’ up until now.

(I know, it’s not that bad… but sometimes my visibility prude comes out!  Know what I mean?)


This photo actually feels really fun to me now! (Sometimes timing is involved in using some of your high frequency photos!  It’s good to listen to your own visibility timing!)

It also has a sparkly, fun, dolphin energy in it.  Don’t you think?  So it felt totally in alignment with my New Year’s Intention:

To have EVEN MORE FUN in my business this year, while ‘upleveling’ my frequency and stretching my ‘authentically glamorous’ visibility!!

I also updated (much needed!!)  my cover photo,
FROM: Christmas,Cartoon/Joke Mode

TO: Wacky, FUN, Adventurous,
and a little more glamorous mode!

Yes, it’s an actual Burmese Albino Python!
This is a screenshot from a video
I haven’t used yet .
So this was a great way to maximize this footage!



These photo changes created a fun, splish-splash and brought me some much needed visibility and ‘likes’ in a fun, easy way!  It was the perfect way to dip my toe in and get more visible in 2015, so my ideal clients know I’m up and ready for business!!

Do you have a fun, easy way to make a visibility splash?  Please share below!  We can all learn from each other’s visibility tips!!

Wishing you a fun, splashy, visible, successful and soul-fulfilling 2015!!


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