How to Get Juicy a Video Testimonial!

thumbnail juicy testimonialsI know I’ve been ranting and raving about giving testimonials…. now it’s time to talk  about “Getting Testimonials” and getting Juicy ones!!  Of course!!

If you prefer to watch this info on video, check it out here!

Testimonials are sooooo important for your website, for your sales pages, and to use as client success stories in your tele-seminars,  speaking gigs, your Discovery Sessions, during interviews…. you name it!

Testimonials build your credibility for potential clients.  They need to feel reassured about your skills before they invest in you.

Reading testimonials is part of doing their research, their due diligence.  It’s like an Amazon review- that’s what actually sells products on Amazon, are those reviews!  And reviews are like mini-testimonials, right?  And Amazon knows a few things about selling, wouldn’t you say?

I know for myself, I love reading testimonials and I particularly love watching Testimonial videos and getting more of a real sense of a Coach in addition to how they present themselves.  Testimonial videos show others aspects and complete more of the picture of a Coach.

But it means you have to ask for the Testimonial!  Have you noticed that it’s easier  to give a testimonial than to ask for one!  Surprise, surprise!

As I have been working on my newest program  (I reveal a little more in the video! More on that soon!!)  I realized I needed some new blood in my testimonials.

And then I noticed that little tug of, “Oh I don’t want to make them do the extra work.”  Oy!   So I noticed the challenge inside of myself of potentially burdening my past clients and then realized- “Sheesh!  It’s good for them to give me one!  That’s what I’ve been preaching, isn’t it?”

Of course! It is excellent visibility for your clients to give you a testimonial and guess what? They usually want to give it to you as it makes them feel good to give to you because they so loved working with you.  Am I right?  Hell yes!  Let them know you want them to mention their web address and add it as a title on the screen if they are giving you a video testimonial!

So when I started reaching out for testimonials after the initial tug of discomfort, I noticed how GOOD it actually felt to ASK!  It felt exciting to reconnect with my clients and to RECEIVE from them!  So I want you to notice how that feels when you ask for a testimonial, once you get over the initial discomfort and savor that feeling!

Then notice the responses you get.  I got lots of, “Of courses!” and “I’d love tos”  And that felt wonderful!   It’s a nice way of keeping the energy flowing back and forth between you and your clients even though they are not current clients anymore.  These are deeply nourishing relationships that continue to grow and live, even though in less direct ways.

So, go on and get some Juicy Testimonials!  And to get good testimonials, it’s helpful to guide your clients, especially  if they need help!

Here are a few excellent questions to get them started:

  • What was it like before and after you worked with me- what kind of results did you get?
  • Ask them to talk about the Tangible results eg. Made x amount of money, got x amount of clients, lost x amount of pounds, met my spouse, started sleeping….  Tangible results are extremely compelling and excellent for your credibility.  People want tangible results more than anything.  Right?  Yep, that’s what they pay you for.
  • However, if there are not as many of these concrete, quantifiable, tangible results, ask them to talk about the Intangible results eg. “I stopped worrying as much about money, which allowed me to trust that all would be well and enjoy my life more!”  That’s a HUGE result, in my book!

These intangible results are sometimes hard to even pinpoint, so if they need help, it’s helpful to get on the phone and  review with them of what they got from working with you. 

Sometimes, people actually need time to integrate all the Intangible gifts they got from working with you.  For example, believing in someone is a massive gift and impacts a client tremendously.  It will create tangible results- indirectly- down the road.  Right?

Building someone’s confidence is HUGE!  And changes a person’s life!  So, it’s nice to help them see and articulate what results you see that they received.

Give them space to dig a little deeper into why they so enjoyed working with you.   You may be pleasantly surprised and learn about ways you impacted them that you weren’t aware of!  That’s always fun to hear!

I have a client who I helped  launch a cutting edge group program and in our work together she discovered her methodology that she hadn’t been aware of yet. And this became the bare bones of her book that she’s about to complete!

Here are some guidelines to give to your clients when creating their Video Testimonial for you:

  • Ask your clients to speak from their heart and connect to how you made them feel, when they worked with you.  This comes out more authentically, less of a performance. Let it be like a story if that helps them.
  • Ask them to relax (esp. if this is a video!) and just feel what they are feeling when they remember working with you.  Their words will have more of a transmission, and the audience will feel your impact on their life, way more!
  •  Let them know whatever they do will be wonderful! No pressure!  Tell them try to enjoy it! Not to rush.
  • Make sure they don’t feel they have to promote you and feel responsible for making people hire you.

Promotion is not the purpose of a testimonial.  It’s about re-experiencing the feeling of having worked with you, so people can get a taste of feeling You!  Communication is 70% non verbal.  Their words are not as important as how they feel when they talk about you!

One last technical bonus note re: making Video Testimonials!  You can offer to record them while you are on skype together and then you can add any titles and make it easier for them that way.  These kinds of testimonials don’t look as good through skype, but that is not so important.  If you’re on a mac, I recommend “Call Recorder” by ecamm network.  It’s $29.99!! Such a great deal!

Now go out there and gather some testimonials!  It is sooooo important for you to soak in the juices of your impact on your client’s lives.  These testimonials are here to help your future clients get to know, like and trust you so that they can receive your gifts that they are waiting to receive!!

So let me know if this was helpful and what resonated for you! I’d LOVE to know in the comments below!

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