How to have a Viral Gratitude Party!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I’m finally going to give Testimonials a rest- I promise!

And yet…. all this Thanksgiving Gratitude stuff is kind of similar to Testimonials- wouldn’t you say? He he he!!

I expressed my gratitude to my family on Facebook yesterday and got a lot of Gratitude action going there with my family and friends jumping in the mix and I realized- these expressions of gratitude are very much like mini-Testimonials!

So today, just now, I posted a “Gratitude to my Business” post on Facebook with fun pixes to thank Youtube and the iPhone!!!


***HOT FUN TIP #1!!!

Thank and tag a TON of colleagues and mentors on Facebook (so much fun!!!) This started a whole Gratitude Party within seconds!!!  They’re all popping in and commenting tons of love back to me!!!   Is this an awesome way to start my day?!!!  YES!!!

And the comments are continuing to flow in as I write!!!  It’s creating a VIRAL Gratitude FEST!!!

AND NOW I want to THANK YOUfor being in my TRIBE!!! I LOVE having you here!!  I would love to tag you and all of my tribe on Facebook and thank you, but that might take all day!!!  So  feel free to tag me in YOUR Gratitude Party on Facebook if you decide to have your own celebration!! I’d love to comment and PLAY with you there!!!  Or comment below and I’ll comment back!!

The Gratitude Party was part of my ‘homework’ assignment, actually, from my business mentor and I highly suggest you have one too!! If not today, then anytime this “Thanksgiving week” or as an Apres Thanksgiving reflection or anytime during the year!! Gratitude never gets ‘old’!!!

It’s a way to:

  • Spread that high frequency vibration
  • Initiate that ‘testimonial’ energy
  • Get more VISIBILITY!!!

Sharing your gratitude raises your frequency, just like giving Testimonials.  And raising your frequency is good for business!!  And your health and your soul!

Have FUN with this and post a few pix that show your appreciation and add text if you want!! I use  

Snap some pix of:

  • Your favorite dishes at Thanksgiving
  • Family members, friends, colleagues
  • Any FUN activities you do this weekend
  • Anything about your business!
  • Anything wacky that makes you LAUGH!


Make sure you comment back to anyone who comments! It’s really important to thank each person who takes the time to comment.  I tagged people I haven’t been in touch with in a while and if they actually comment, I consider that a HUGE gift as we just opened up the flow of energy between us again and are supporting each other.

Thanking each person who comments is another opportunity to laser in on them and give them a mini-testimonial right on the spot, since you can’t do it for everyone you tag in the initial post!!! 

Hope this makes sense!!  This further expands the positive field all around you that you created with this Gratitude Party and lets it continue to grow!!!

I know a lot of people feel overwhelmed when tons of people comment, but it’s worth thanking everyone- several in one comment is fine, too, like this:

And I see so many people who never comment back when people comment under their posts and I think, what a missed opportunity to thank them.  They are contributing to your expanded Visibility!  Don’t make this mistake!    It certainly doesn’t expand the positive field of Gratitude, right?

Find time to acknowledge every person who comments on your post in a simple, easy way!


And anyone you might have forgotten to tag, you can just comment and tag them in the comments like this:

Which elicited an immediate response!! It’s like instant Gratitude Magic!!

And the beauty is that so many of these people I knew in a business group and it’s like a:

Mini-Reunion and we get to Re-Experience that Wonderful Bond we all shared in this virtual, fun Instant Gratitude Magical Kind of Way!

Thank you for being in my tribe! I am so grateful to be on this High Frequency, Visibility Journey with you!

Happy Thanksgiving!


PS I’d love to hear your Gratitudes !! Have you hosted your own Gratitude Party?  Share your insights!!

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