🔟 Ways to make CONNECTION 🔀 Videos !

I call my latest video solution: ‘Connection’ Videos. 

(Click the image to hear the Facebook Live about it.)





You might be asking, “what’s a Connection’ Video?”

Great question-  since, all videos are most effective when you are ‘connecting.’  Right?

This is the essence of video-making- in my world.

You want to connect to yourself AND to your audience, when you make your videos because people will be able to FEEL (and KNOW) you more AND this will help them to HEAR and DIGEST your message more!!

 and drumroll please

>>>They will LIKE and TRUST you more! <<<

When you connect to yourself and to your audience,  you are in your body and not just rattling away in your head.  You are present with yourself and this allows you to be present with your audience– not just having a love affair with your information- you’re actually sharing yourself AND your information with your peeps.

If you’re a coach, or offer transformation, people don’t just want your information, they want an experience of you and your information.  They want to feel connected to.

You’re probably thinking, “There she goes again with the embodied relating propaganda!  Get on with it girl!!”

Well, as you know, repetition is important!  Didn’t want to drop the underlying essence of all  videos!

OK, so what I’m calling ‘Connection’ Videos are short little Checkin/Follow Up Videos to 1 person, for example:

  1. that you met at a networking thang, (or at the healthfood store, etc…) and had the chutzpah to ask for their number! or card!- (yay you!-) and you want to follow up and connect with
  2. a past client you want to checkin and re-connect to etc…  The list goes on!

‘Connection’ Videos are a FUN, fast, easy, very effective and engaging way to build relationships and will make you stand out and be remembered!

And you know what they say, “the fortune is in the follow-up!”  And Follow-Up is one of the hardest things to do, right? Well ‘Connection’ Videos make it super fun and easy to do follow up!!

And what’s not to like?  Would you prefer to send (or receive) an email or text from someone you just met?  Or would you prefer to make (or receive) a ‘Connection’ Video???

I, personally, would prefer a ‘Connection’ Video!!  Hands down!  But that may just be me!  Let me know in the comments, I’m curious!

So lets get to the meat here!

Here are 10 ways to make ‘Connection’ Videos:

10 Ways to make Connection/Follow Up Videos! (These were my notes for the Facebook Live!)


1.  “Great to Meet You”  Video– connecting to someone you just met

2. “How are You?” Video–connecting with a past client

3. “Congrats on Your New Website!” Video (or on any awesome new thing in their life)-re-connecting with a past client, potential JV colleague, someone you admire and want to build a relationship with

4.”Lets schedule a time to catch up!” Video–connecting with someone you’ve been meaning to catch up with

5. “Follow Up after Free Consult” Video–connecting with someone who’s thinking about working with you after a free consult.

6.”Hi! Long time no connect! How are you” Video–re-connecting with someone who you gave a free consult to in the past and haven’t been in touch with in a long time

7. “I’ve been thinking of you and I have an idea for you” Video–connecting with someone who you’d like to work with or have worked with in the past.

8. “Here’s my feedback!” Video–connecting with a current client who emailed you a question- much more personal and much faster to send a quick video!

9. “Thank you!” Video–connecting with someone who referred you or did something you appreciate- either a Coach, Mentor, Colleague or Client 

10. “Happy Birthday!” Video–connecting with past clients, current clients, potential clients- to wish them a happy birthday or happy anniversary or any holiday etc..!

These are all fun ways to follow up, stay connected and build relationship!  Let me know in the comments below if this is helpful! And let me know which ones you are doing or if you’ve thought of new ones!!


I am now teaching my clients to make these ‘Connection’ Videos first if they are :

  1. challenged with being seen on video or
  2. challenged with what to say in their videos or
  3. tech challenged with making videos
  4. or all of the above!

‘Connection’ Videos are also a great choice when you don’t want to make videos because they’re easym fun, casual and they are a direct route to building client relationships and getting new clients!

If you want to learn the technical way of sending them as a  text- check out my fun vlog about video-texting!


I could go on and on, as you can see!!  These are multi-dimensional little bundles of love!  I can’t wait to hear what you think!  Let me know if you have any questions!

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