when you’re visibility challenged– access your inner visibility

How do you stay ‘visible’ when you’re going through massive change and feeling rather vulnerable and overwhelmed?  First step is to become visible to yourself, what I call accessing your Inner Visibility! In this video, I share one way to access your Inner Visibility:


To move through your Visibility Challenges you need to feel first.  Which doesn’t necessarily mean crying a lot.  Tears often come from the thoughts you are churning over in your head- “Why am I such a loser?” “Or she or he is such a  *****!” These angry thoughts or judging yourself center on your thoughts, and make you think that you’re feeling.

Pretty tricky, right?

Feelings are actually experienced as sensations in the body.  So you need to feel  the physical sensation in your body.

Once you actually feel, you become visible to yourself, and the energy moves inside of your body and there is now room to be more visible.

It’s like magic!

Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 9.22.02 PMI will be leading you through this process of Inner Visibility and talking about other ways to access your Inner Visibility with Jessie Lucas on a lifestream for  her Thrive Through Change Experience,  Tuesday 9am PT.

I’m excited to have you join me in this exploration- it will be very revealing and useful– I promise!


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