Do Something Fun (like Bicycle Riding) & Make Magnetic Marketing Videos!

Is there anything you’ve been wanting to do for a loooooooong time?  Something FUN?  But you can’t seem to make time for it because you feel you should focus 100% on your business?  Even though you know FUN is good for business, right?  So you keep putting it off!

I was feeling this tug of war extremely strongly yesterday, so I decided to break the internal battle and WORK on my business WHILE having FUN!

Check it out here!

Yes, I made a video, while doing something I have been wanting to do for 21/2 years- ride my bicycle!  And I’m using it to market my business- so WIN WIN!

I felt so energized and my “Inner Child” was thrilled to play 🙂  So, it was a lot easier to go back and get more work done.Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 11.49.19 PM

I’d love to hear in the comments below what would be FUN for YOU to do and whether you are ready to make a video about it!  If not, say what’s in the way of having fun while making your marketing videos and I’ll address as many concerns as I can in upcoming videos!

I want to know what is stopping you from having fun and making videos about FUN for your business!

Some of you may not see the correlation between doing something FUN on video and how it is GOOD for your business.  If that’s true, do let me know in the comments!

To your Expanded FUN and Visibility!

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