Avoid chicken arms & be powerful in your videos!

I didn’t  realize I was doing that with my arms until a few months ago!   So guess what?  Lots of my videos have chicken arms!  Oops!  Oh well!

So, moving right along…. in this video I teach a mindful movement practice that not only gets rid of those limp, nasty chicken arms but it helps you be more confident & magnetic in your videos!!

Though I felt really embarrassed when this speaker coach told me I had chicken arms in front of a group of people- ouch!  I’m glad I know about it now because, now it motivates me to be more aware of my arms (and my body)– on video and on stage!

You would think that I automatically do this, having studied somatic movement for 14 years!  Well the truth is, I am aware of my breath and how I’m feeling– which totally helps me ground and connect to my audience but I, too, can go a little unconscious with some parts of my body- like my arms!

And my neck can get a little locked as well, and my knees sometime.  Can you relate?  Next time you do a video, see if you can identify any parts of your body that you are ‘holding’ and not letting the energy flow through.  This takes a little practice to become aware.

And the goal is not to be perfect!  Your first step is to just use the mindful movement technique and become more aware of your body- that alone is a huge step to building this awareness muscle.  Slowly but surely you’ll get more comfortable doing it and you’ll FEEL the difference as you talk and it will FEEL totally awesome!!

It’s easy to shift your posture so that your energy  flows through your whole body.

This helps you to direct your energy to your audience and lets your message come through more confidently and more powerfully! 

Find out out how simple it is to stop having chicken arms and be more magnetic in your Youtube videos!

I’d love to know how this is landing for you in the comments below!  Does it make sense?  Can you relate?  Is it helpful?

To your magnetic Visibility!


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