what a coyote taught me about video

I’ve been mucking about lately, and wanting a deeper connection to my work- as if something was missing.

I’ve been exploring and researching all kinds of things, like being highly sensitive, pleasure and doing business in a new paradigm to name a few.  It’s been really interesting but I’ve been feeling like I am all over the place and not fully landed- i.e. in my head and not in my body!

It hasn’t been the most pleasant feeling and it’s probably why I haven’t made many videos lately.  I’ve interviewed other coaches on Facebook live, but have hardly shot any ‘regular’ videos.

Then as I was making room on my phone, I came across a video I had shot over 2 years ago!  I really liked it and realized that I’ve been on track all along!  However, somewhere along the road, I had started feeling like my message of being embodied on video wasn’t good enough and that I needed to include other things.

This video made me realize that I don’t need to add more things, I actually need to dig deeper- no wonder I was running all over the place.  Digging deeper always brings up discomfort and makes me want to run for the hills! Do you relate?

Well, this coyote is still teaching me lessons!  Thank you, dear one!

So without further ado, click here to find out what a coyote taught me about embodied presence on video!

I believe it’s our greatest challenge to stay connected to ourselves and be in our bodies.  This is where we have access to our true power- yet it means feeling all the places where we feel disconnected from our power!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to learn to go inside and resource your power so that you can share it on video and impact many lives!

I look forward to delving deeper into this subject- because it’s important!

To your embodied and empowered Visibility!!

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